Project Details

Pre-Built CRM Implementation for School System

Job Category

Website, Mobile & Software Development

Type of Project

One Time Project


January 22, 2024


August 22, 2022





If you're looking for a pre-built CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system specifically tailored for a school system, you can consider posting a project on Upwork with details about your requirements. Below is a template for a freelance project post: Title: Pre-Built CRM Implementation for School System Description: We are seeking a skilled and experienced professional to assist us in implementing a pre-built CRM system for our school. The CRM should be tailored to manage various aspects of our school's operations, including student information, enrollment, communication, and other administrative tasks. Requirements: Pre-Built CRM: We are looking for a CRM solution that is specifically designed for educational institutions. Please provide details about the CRM system you recommend or have experience with. Student Information Management: The CRM should efficiently manage student information, including enrollment details, attendance records, grades, and communication history. Communication Features: The CRM should include communication features such as email integration, messaging, and notifications to facilitate efficient communication between teachers, students, and parents. Integration with Existing Systems: The CRM should be easily integrated with our existing systems, including any school management software or databases. User-Friendly Interface: A user-friendly interface is crucial for easy adoption by our staff. The CRM should be intuitive and require minimal training for users. How to Apply: Provide details about the pre-built CRM solution you recommend for our school system. Share your experience in implementing similar CRM systems in educational institutions. Outline the key features and functionalities of the CRM that align with our school's needs. Provide a proposed timeline for the implementation process. Include your estimated budget for the entire project.
Skills Required

Registered Talnet
looking for someone relatively new to this field


Bid range - $700

About the Client

Matthew Jones

Member since 2023

3 (1)


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